Justdave IT Consulting provides a variety of services to small and medium businesses who don’t quite have enough IT for a full time IT staff person, but still want their IT needs met professionally.
I am the lead developer for Bugzilla. If you’d like to hire me for one-off tech support incidents related to Bugzilla, please see my RingerHQ page.
To fund upstream development or obtain installation or customization support, please contact me.

WordPress customization to suit your business needs, including custom plugin and theme development.

Do you have a web app you would like to deploy (such as Bugzilla) but don’t want to have to babysit the server and do updates? Use the hosting provider of your choice (or one I recommend) and let me manage it for you. Includes monitoring and system updates.

Willing to be “on retainer” for IT emergencies.

Examples of other things I can help you with:
- Google Workspace administration
- Planning Center administration (for churches)
- IT Helpdesk for your employees
- Migration of IT services including websites and email between hosting providers
- Assistance shopping for internet service for your office, from business cable to fiber
- Design your office network to meet your needs.
- Ask me about your other IT needs!
To find out if I can help your business, please get in touch!